AHEAD: The ultimate list of baby names with roots back to Ireland and Scotland.
On the hunt for an amazing Irish or Scottish girls’ name that’s cool in the United States?
You’re in the right place!
Below, you’ll find a huge list of over 100 Irish and Scottish names for girls along with their meanings and current popularity.
As a bonus, I’ve included a whole bunch of pretty middle name ideas too!
There are lots of girls’ names that are popular in Ireland and Scotland but aren’t quite right for an American little girl.
Blathnaid will definitely raise eyebrows.
Dearbhla will invite lots of “what an interesting name”.
Fearne looks a little… scary.
Then there are names like Maureen, Shannon, Mona, and Arlene, which all have strong ties to Ireland, but feel extremely outdated.
But not to worry, there are tons of great options that feel authentically Irish or Scottish, while still being attractive to the American ear.
Let’s dive in and check them out!
Related: Irish Boy Names
Popular Irish names in the U.S.
These names of Irish origin are ranking in the top 500 here in the United States.
Unless otherwise noted, the popularity data throughout this article is for names in the United States.
- Name meaning: Strong and honorable.
- Popularity: #146
- Name meaning: Curly-haired.
- Popularity: Cassidy ranks #406 and Kassidy is #652.
- Name meaning: Challenger’s descendant.
- Popularity: #312
- Name meaning: Helmeted chief.
- Popularity: This presidential K name ranks #72 for girls and hasn’t ranked for boys since 2005.
- Name meaning: Bright or clear.
- Popularity: #308
- Name meaning: Light, gracious, or little rock. In Hawaiian, it means ‘calm as still waters’ or ‘afloat’.
- Popularity: #390
- Name meaning: Lover, blackbird, cloak.
- Popularity: This great hippie name ranks #299 for girls and #688 for boys.
- Name meaning: She who intoxicates.
- Popularity: #173
McKenna or Makenna
- Name meaning: Child of Cionaodh.
- Popularity: Mckenna ranks #272 and Makenna ranks #402.
Nora or Norah
- Name meaning: Light.
- Popularity: Nora ranks #30 and Norah ranks #151.
- Name meaning: Descendant of Conn.
- Popularity: This one-syllable Irish name ranks #85 for girls and #440 for boys.
Related: The Ultimate List of Cool Middle Names for Quinn
Raegan or Reagan
- Name meaning: Little king.
- Popularity: Raegan ranks #254 and Reagan ranks #880. Reagan hasn’t ranked for boys since 2017.
- Name meaning: Wood clearing or courageous.
- Popularity: Riley ranks #33, Rylee is #102, Ryleigh is #159, and Rylie is #355. For boys, Riley ranks #258.
- Name meaning: Red king.
- Popularity: #330
- Name meaning: Little king.
- Popularity: For girls, Ryan ranks #450, Ryann is #779, and Rian is not ranking. For boys, Ryan ranks #57.
- Name meaning: Warrior.
- Popularity: Sloane ranks #181 and Sloan is #663.
- Name meaning: Little poet.
- Popularity: This cool T name ranks #192 for girls. It hasn’t ranked for boys since 2014.
If you like these popular Irish girl names you might also like this list of modern names.
Familiar Irish names
While not as popular as the first batch, the majority of these Irish girls’ names have a mainstream feel in the United States.
Aileen or Ayleen
- Name meaning: Bright or shining light.
- Popularity: Aileen ranks #695 and Ayleen is #966.
- Name meaning: Dream.
- Popularity: #964
Ashlyn or Ashlynn
- Name meaning: Ash (tree) + Lyn (lake). Might also mean dream.
- Popularity: Ashlyn ranks #602 and Ashlynn is #665.
- Name meaning: Strength.
- Popularity: #747
Casey or Kasey or Kacie
- Name meaning: Vigilant or brave.
- Popularity: Casey hasn’t ranked for girls since 2019 but ranks #521 for boys. Kasey and Kacie haven’t ranked for girls since 2003.
- Name meaning: Dark-haired or little dark one
- Popularity: This Irish C name last ranked in 2016.
- Name meaning: Dark one.
- Popularity: This gender-neutral D name isn’t ranking.
Deidra or Deirdra
- Name meaning: Melancholy.
- Popularity: This Irish name isn’t ranking.
- Name meaning: Fire.
- Popularity: This Irish girls’ name isn’t ranking in the U.S.
- Name meaning: Grain or fire.
- Popularity: This 4-letter girls’ name isn’t ranking.
- Name meaning: Ireland.
- Popularity: #520 (Top 50 in Ireland!)
Fallon or Fallyn
- Name meaning: Descended from a ruler.
- Popularity: Fallon ranks #859 and Fallyn isn’t ranking.
- Name meaning: A country in Western Europe.
- Popularity: This I name hasn’t ranked since 2015.
Kara or Cara
- Name meaning: Love.
- Popularity: Kara ranks #671 and Cara is #908. (Top 50 in Ireland!)
- Name meaning: Little dark one.
- Popularity: This 5-letter name hasn’t ranked since 2019.
- Name meaning: Sparkling sea.
- Popularity: This unique M name isn’t popular in the U.S.
- Name meaning: Sea warrior.
- Popularity: This 6-letter name ranks #969 for girls and #967 for boys.
- Name meaning: Winner or champion.
- Popularity: Nolen isn’t ranking for either gender. Nolan ranks #61 for boys.
- Name meaning: Golden princess.
- Popularity: This O name is not popular in the United States, but is quite popular in England and Scotland.
- Name meaning: Freedom.
- Popularity: Believe it or not, this Irish S name ranks #741 in the U.S.
Shay or Shea
- Name meaning: A small tropical African tree. Its nuts give us shea butter! Means gift in Hebrew.
- Popularity: Shay ranks #928 and Shea hasn’t ranked since 2008.
- Name meaning: God is gracious.
- Popularity: This classic Irish name isn’t ranking in the U.S.
Tallulah or Tully
- Name meaning: Leaping water.
- Popularity: This unique name isn’t ranking.
- Name meaning: Rocky hill.
- Popularity: This short girls’ name hasn’t ranked since 2017.
Tarryn or Taryn
- Name meaning: God has heard.
- Popularity: This 2-syllable girls’ name isn’t ranking.
- Name meaning: Lord.
- Popularity: This Irish girls’ name hasn’t ranked since 2009.
If you like these familiar Irish girl names you might also like this list of nonbinary names or these edgy names.
Popular Irish names in Ireland
These next Irish names for girls all rank in the top 100 in Ireland.
As you’ll see, they look and feel very Irish. For better or for worse, they’ll stand out in a sea of names in the United States.
TIP: If you prefer names that are more easily pronounced, click here to jump ahead to the next section.
- Name meaning: Noble or bright. (Pronounced “al-va”).
- Popularity: This A name isn’t popular in the U.S. but ranks in the top 100 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: Intelligence. (Pronounced “an-ya”).
- Popularity: This Irish name isn’t popular in the U.S. but ranks in the top 100 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: Radiant. (Pronounced “EE-van”).
- Popularity: This Irish girls’ name isn’t popular in the U.S. but ranks in the top 100 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: Beautiful. (Pronounced “EE-fa”).
- Popularity: This baby name isn’t ranking in the U.S. but ranks #32 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: Beautiful, beloved, or graceful. (Pronounced “kee-va”).
- Popularity: This baby name isn’t ranking in the U.S. but ranks #25 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: An Irish river. (Pronounced “CLO-dah”).
- Popularity: This baby name isn’t ranking in the U.S. but ranks #40 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: Heart. (Pronounced “cree-ya”).
- Popularity: This Irish name isn’t popular in the U.S. but ranks in the top 100 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: Life. (Pronounced “AY-va”, this is the Irish spelling of Ava).
- Popularity: This E name isn’t ranking in the U.S. but is the 5th most popular girls’ name in Ireland!
- Name meaning: Wild. (Pronounced “FEE-a”).
- Popularity: This F name isn’t ranking in the U.S. but is the #1 most popular girls’ name in Ireland!
- Name meaning: Light. (Pronounced “lee-sha”).
- Popularity: This L name isn’t popular in the U.S. but ranks in the top 100 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: She who intoxicates. (This is the Irish version of Maeve).
- Popularity: This Irish name isn’t popular in the U.S. but ranks in the top 100 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: Bright. (Pronounced “NEEV”).
- Popularity: This N name isn’t popular in the U.S. but ranks in the top 100 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: Little rose. (Pronounced “ro-SHEEN”).
- Popularity: This R name isn’t ranking in the U.S. but ranks #34 in Ireland.
- Name meaning: Sweet and lovely. (Pronounced “SAH-eev”).
- Popularity: This baby name isn’t ranking in the U.S. but ranks #35 in Ireland.
TIP: Since most Americans will slaughter the pronunciation of these beautiful Irish baby names, consider using one as a middle name.
If you like these familiar Irish girl names you might also like this list of exotic names.
Girls’ names of Irish & Scottish origin
This is a crossover list!
There aren’t very many, but here are a few cool names with both Irish and Scottish roots.
- Name meaning: Victory of the people.
- Popularity: Collins ranks #365 for girls (and is not ranking for boys). Colin singular with one l ranks #285 for boys.
Finley or Finleigh
- Name meaning: Blonde warrior.
- Popularity: #201
Imogen or Imogene
- Name meaning: Maiden.
- Popularity: This 3-syllable girls’ name is not in the top 1000.
- Name meaning: Child of marsh-dwellers.
- Popularity: Karsyn ranks #612 for girls. Carson ranks #84 for boys.
- Name meaning: Reddish-brown tree known for its scarlet berries and mystical history.
- Popularity: This Irish/Scottish tree name ranks #255 for females and #113 for males.
If you like these Irish and Scottish baby names for girls you might also like this list of nature names.
Popular Scottish names
These names of Scottish origin are ranking in the top 500 here in the United States.
- Name meaning: Solitary meadow.
- Popularity: #354
- Name meaning: Noble.
- Popularity: Allison ranks #80, Alison is #436, Allyson is #641, and Alisson is #915.
- Name meaning: Field or plain.
- Popularity: Blair ranks #333 and Blaire ranks #669.
- Name meaning: Bright and shining.
- Popularity: #219
- Name meaning: Dark wood.
- Popularity: #167
Camryn or Kamryn or Cameron
- Name meaning: Crooked nose.
- Popularity: Camryn ranks #405, Kamryn ranks #459, and Cameron ranks #489. For boys, Cameron ranks #64.
- Name meaning: Fair.
- Popularity: #296
Hailey or Haley or Hayley
- Name meaning: Hay meadow.
- Popularity: Hailey ranks #81, Haley ranks #517, and Hayley ranks #674.
Related: 72 Middle Names for Hailey You’re Going to Love
- Name meaning: Bright one.
- Popularity: #369
- Name meaning: Boomerang or graceful.
- Popularity: #132
- Name meaning: Bright or shining light.
- Popularity: #364
- Name meaning: Daughter of Kenneth.
- Popularity: Mackenzie ranks #119, Mckenzie ranks #278, and Makenzie ranks #344.
- Name meaning: Pearl.
- Popularity: #409 (Top 50 in Scotland!)
- Name meaning: A cute curved pattern.
- Popularity: Paisley ranks #50, Paislee ranks #378, and Paisleigh ranks #863.
Related: The Ultimate List of Cool Middle Names for Paisley
If you like these popular Scottish girl names you might also like this list of southern names.
Familiar Scottish names
While not as popular as the previous batch, the majority of these Scottish girls’ names have a mainstream feel to Americans.
- Name meaning: Hermitage field.
- Popularity: #952
Camden or Kamden
- Name meaning: Winding valley.
- Popularity: This city name isn’t ranking for girls but ranks #167 for boys.
- Name meaning: Strong and manly.
- Popularity: This badass name ranks #944 for girls and #530 for boys.
- Name meaning: Narrow.
- Popularity: Kyle isn’t ranking for girls and ranks #313 for boys.
- Name meaning: Elm field.
- Popularity: This versatile middle name ranks #587 for girls and #291 for boys.
- Name meaning: Little hollow.
- Popularity: Logan ranks #317 for girls and #16 for boys.
- Name meaning: Child of the fair hero. Presidential name.
- Popularity: #555
- Name meaning: Many possible meanings from all different cultures: With gilded helmet, blue stone, south, love, bitter, joyful, and more!
- Popularity: #662
- Name meaning: Butterfly or pure.
- Popularity: This elegant girls’ name isn’t ranking.
- Name meaning: White shoulder. Also the nickname of New Orleans.
- Popularity: #553
- Name meaning: Champion.
- Popularity: This Scottish name isn’t ranking.
Scotland or Scotlynn
- Name meaning: Country.
- Popularity: This undeniably Scottish name is not ranking.
- Name meaning: With gilded helmet. Will. Desire. Protection.
- Popularity: This vintage girls’ name isn’t ranking.
If you like these familiar Scottish girl names you might also like this list of names for rainbow babies.
Popular names in Ireland and Scotland
Interestingly, the vast majority of the top-ranking names in Ireland and Scotland overlap with the most popular names in the United States.
Can you guess what the #1 most popular name in Scotland is?
- Name meaning: Noble. (Means ornament in Hebrew).
- Popularity: #184
Amelia or Emilia
- Name meaning: Work.
- Popularity: Amelia ranks #6 and Emilia ranks #40.
- Name meaning: Grace.
- Popularity: Anna ranks #68, Ana ranks #245, and Anne is #625.
- Name meaning: Life. Bird. Island. Water.
- Popularity: Ava ranks #3 and Avah is #655. (Ava ranks #5 in Scotland!)
- Name meaning: Free woman. The most populous city in North Carolina.
- Popularity: #4
Chloe or Khloe
- Name meaning: Plant sprout.
- Popularity: Chloe ranks #27 and Khloe is #160.
Related: The Ultimate List of Cool Middle Names for Chloe
- Name meaning: Fairy maiden.
- Popularity: #15
Related: 265 Enchanted Middle Names for Ella
- Name meaning: Shining light. My God.
- Popularity: #29
- Name meaning: Rival or to excel.
- Popularity: Emily ranks #18 and Emely is #522. (Emily ranks #3 in Ireland and #3 in Scotland!)
- Name meaning: Whole.
- Popularity: #2
Eve or Evie
- Name meaning: Life.
- Popularity: Eve ranks #471 and Evie ranks #319.
Freya or Freyja
- Name meaning: Lady. Noble person. A goddess associated with love, beauty, war and death.
- Popularity: Freya ranks #179 and Freyja is #958. (Freya ranks #4 in Scotland!)
Grace or Gracie
- Name meaning: Goodness.
- Popularity: Grace ranks #28 and Gracie ranks #209. (Grace is the 2nd most popular name in Ireland!)
- Name meaning: Grace.
- Popularity: Hannah ranks #39, Hanna ranks #526, and Hana ranks #755.
- Name meaning: Holly bushes are known for their red berries and spiny evergreen leaves.
- Popularity: #481
- Name meaning: Island.
- Popularity: #44 (This is the #1 most popular name in Scotland!)
Layla or Leila or Laila
- Name meaning: Night or dark.
- Popularity: Layla ranks #24, Leila is #205, and Laila is #225.
Lily or Lillie
- Name meaning: Flower.
- Popularity: #35
Lucy or Lucie
- Name meaning: Light.
- Popularity: Lucy ranks #49 and Lucie isn’t ranking.
- Name meaning: Mine. (From biblical name Miriam).
- Popularity: #8
Related: 195 Cool Middle Names for Mia
Millie or Milly
- Name meaning: Having strength or being industrious.
- Popularity: Millie ranks #190 and Milly isn’t ranking.
Molly or Mollie
- Name meaning: Rebellious.
- Popularity: Molly ranks #174 and Mollie is not ranking.
- Name meaning: Olive tree. (Means lioness in Hebrew).
- Popularity: #1 (This is the 2nd most popular name in Scotland!)
Related: The Ultimate List of Middle Names for Olivia
Robin or Robyn
- Name meaning: Bright and shining. A red-breasted songbird.
- Popularity: #904
Related: 100+ Pretty Bird Names for Girls
Rose or Rosie
- Name meaning: Flower.
- Popularity: Rose ranks #113 and Rosie is #470.
- Name meaning: Strong red gemstone.
- Popularity: #74
Sophia or Sofia
- Name meaning: Wisdom.
- Popularity: Sophia ranks #5 and Sofia ranks #17.
- Name meaning: Wisdom.
- Popularity: #75 (Ranks #4 in Ireland!)
- Name meaning: Dramatic trees with long hanging branches.
- Popularity: #48
If you like these popular names in Ireland, Scotland, (and the United States), you might also like this list of girl names ending in y.
Middle name ideas
Here is a consolidation of all of the middle names on the graphics throughout this article—plus a bunch you haven’t seen yet!
Note: All of the first names on this list are of Irish or Scottish origin. The middle names are from all over!
- Aileen Rylan
- Ainsley Pearl
- Aislinn Lavender
- Allison Noelle
- Ansley Virginia
- Ashlyn Blair
- Blair Evangeline
- Blake Magnolia
- Blakely Adeline
- Brennan Aria
- Brianna Rose
- Bridget Emberly
- Camden Emberly
- Camryn Lilianna
- Casey Arabella
- Cassidy Faye
- Ciara Lily
- Collins Avery
- Darcy Hannah
- Deirdra Hart
- Delaney Blake
- Drew Emmeline
- Fallon Alexandra
- Finley Paige
- Fiona Madelyn
- Hailey Sage
- Imogen Mia
- Ireland Blake
- Kara Lacey
- Karsyn Ruby
- Kennedy Paige
- Kenzie Harlow
- Kiara Aubrey
- Kiera Addilyn
- Kyle Alexandria
- Kylie Hazel
- Lainey Maribelle
- Lana Mirabella
- Lennon Hailey
- Lennox Hadley
- Logan Maisie
- Mackenzie Grace
- Maeve Abigail
- Maisie Piper
- McKenna Brooke
- Mckinley Brooke
- Mina Julianna
- Muriel Violet
- Murphy Belle
- Nessa Blakely
- Nola Evelyn
- Nolana Belle
- Nolen Everly
- Nora Everleigh
- Orla Blakely
- Paisley Elise
- Quinn Hartley
- Reagan Scarlett
- Riley Jade
- Rory Mackenzie
- Rowan Waverly
- Ryann Charlotte
- Saoirse Olivia
- Scotlynn Reese
- Shay Evangeline
- Siobhan Embry
- Sloane Isabella
- Tallulah Eve
- Tara Lennon
- Tarryn Emerald
- Teagan Lennox
- Tierney Harlow
- Wilma Violet
Final thoughts on choosing a Scottish or Irish baby name…
In case you’re wondering, I decided to merge Scottish and Irish girls’ names into one list because they’re so often interchanged.
Not to mention, many of the most popular baby names in Ireland are the same in Scotland—and vise versa!
Hopefully, you’ve found a few lead contenders on this list, or at least come away with some baby name inspiration.
Whether you prefer a name that’s trendy, traditional, timeless, long, short, nature-inspired, spiritual, familiar, or rare, all of these girls’ names are beautiful choices.
Congratulations and good luck choosing the perfect Scottish or Irish name for your daughter!